Coquetel and Felipe Neto


In 2017, despite having a strong work with educational content, the publisher Coquetel – Ediouro’s hobby magazine division – wanted to get closer to the Z generation, which basically consumes digital content. But how to engage this audience in a traditional content format? FSB suggested bringing a great digital influencer to be the cover and filling of the magazine.


Transpose the engagement that youtubers generate on their channels from digital to offline (magazine).


Increase the sale of hobby magazines, make Coquetel magazine a product desired by the new generation, promote the connection between the young digital audience and hobby magazines.

Tactical plan

As all educational and entertainment content would be developed in partnership with this influencer, the FSB mapped a series of influencers, carried out behavior and content analyzes, in addition to studying its audience. It was necessary to understand what they said and to whom they spoke to guarantee synergy with the project. With a diagnosis made, the FSB came to the name of youtuber Felipe Neto, one of the greatest influencers in Brazil. From the definition, FSB worked on the negotiation, alignment and development of the project with Felipe and the publisher.

For the magazine’s launch strategy, we chose the ‘Book Biennial’ (Bienal do Livro) for an autograph afternoon with Felipe Neto. It was an absolute success! The event was filled with rows and rows for the youtuber to autograph the magazine.


The magazine was the best-selling book in Brazil at the Bienal do Livro
The magazine broke sales records for the publisher;
Highlight in the main press vehicles;
We opened a direct channel with other influencers who were also on the cover of the magazine.